Friday, February 12, 2010

Passports and Translation Books

So this week in the land of getting ready for Russia this fall we've had a few things happen.

1. I got my passport and passport card. YAY! This means that I have the official travel documents for the states. I still need to get my visa stuff taken care of, but ILP will be doing it for me. So that makes things 100 times easier for me. I do still have to register with the embassy, but I can't do that until April at the earliest.

2. I ordered my Russian to English translation and phrase book on Monday. Guess what book I got yesterday! Yes that's right I got my Russian to English translation book. I guess that means that I better start studying. Russian is one of the hardest languages to learn and I should know at least a tiny little bit before I go.

I also got Pride and Prejudice. I'm looking into getting some more of the classics so I have some books to read while in Russia. So any recommendations are totally welcome on that part.

On Tuesday next I will be headed down to Provo to turn in my passport and my next payment of $370 to ILP. That means that I only have $1918 of the $2588 left to pay off. So four more months of $370 and one month of $438. All of that will include the initial amount of $2520 plus the $68 for insurance while I'm over in Russia.

On other news... I interviewed with Oakcrest. It was weird because interview was in front of a panel of women. However, I do feel good about it. I keep praying that I'll get the job. Other than that all I can do is not worry.

If I get the job at Oakcrest I might keep the job at Pizza Hut for a month of so of the job. This is so I can pay off ILP, but the last month I can just play. I'll have ILP paid off by July 9th of this year.

Anyways, until next time.

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting! I have a crapload of books that I can recommend to you. Seriously. A crapload. And a librarian mother. :) You are in our capable hands.
