Monday, February 22, 2010

Oakcrest Names

Ok so I totally know that I still have no idea if I got the job at Oakcrest yet or not. That's totally not the point right now though.

I was sitting in my Teachers and the Law class tonight and I was thinking about different names that I could use. So here is where you come in. I'm going to post my list of names and you have to tell me which one you like the best.

List of Possible Names for Oakcrest:
1. Bubbles
2. NeeNee
3. BubbleNeeNee
4. Grover
5. Big Bird
6. Telly Monster
7. Cookie Monster
8. Hats
9. Belle
10. Sind3r3lla
11. California
12. Pinker Bell
13. Tiger Lily
14. Meg
15. Herc
16. Jack Jack
17. Boo
18. Amelia Erhart AKA A.E.
19. Smiles
20. Teancum
21. Shoes
22. Water Lily
23. Ms. Piggy

You can also add any names that you think might fit me to this list. Have fun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So I was going to go to Provo to turn in my passport and money today, but alas I'm sicker than a dog. This means that I still have my passport, but I did mail in my money order. So there you go. Sorry so short.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Passports and Translation Books

So this week in the land of getting ready for Russia this fall we've had a few things happen.

1. I got my passport and passport card. YAY! This means that I have the official travel documents for the states. I still need to get my visa stuff taken care of, but ILP will be doing it for me. So that makes things 100 times easier for me. I do still have to register with the embassy, but I can't do that until April at the earliest.

2. I ordered my Russian to English translation and phrase book on Monday. Guess what book I got yesterday! Yes that's right I got my Russian to English translation book. I guess that means that I better start studying. Russian is one of the hardest languages to learn and I should know at least a tiny little bit before I go.

I also got Pride and Prejudice. I'm looking into getting some more of the classics so I have some books to read while in Russia. So any recommendations are totally welcome on that part.

On Tuesday next I will be headed down to Provo to turn in my passport and my next payment of $370 to ILP. That means that I only have $1918 of the $2588 left to pay off. So four more months of $370 and one month of $438. All of that will include the initial amount of $2520 plus the $68 for insurance while I'm over in Russia.

On other news... I interviewed with Oakcrest. It was weird because interview was in front of a panel of women. However, I do feel good about it. I keep praying that I'll get the job. Other than that all I can do is not worry.

If I get the job at Oakcrest I might keep the job at Pizza Hut for a month of so of the job. This is so I can pay off ILP, but the last month I can just play. I'll have ILP paid off by July 9th of this year.

Anyways, until next time.

Monday, February 8, 2010

What I want in a guy

So I've been doing some thinking lately. I gave an ultimatum to a guy and that honestly was the hardest thing I've ever done. I knew what the answer would be before I gave the ultimatum, but never the less it still hurt when he said no.

I mean I'm totally not ready. I want to go and experience Russia and all that it has to offer. I want to continue working on my degree. I want to look into doing some humanitarian work. That sounds completely well... crazy. Especially because I've had my heart set on teaching for at least 6 years maybe longer.

I'm tired of living life for everybody, but me. I think that humanitarian work would be awesome. I also totally plan on doing ILP again as a head teacher (especially because I will get to go for free if I do it as a head teacher).

Anyway, here is my list of what I want in a guy:
A man who holds a current temple recommend so we can go to baptisms for the dead while dating (he doesn't necessarily have to be endowed).
A man who wants to get married in the temple
A man who won’t jeopardize getting married in the temple
A man who respects me
A man who is a worthy priesthood holder
A man who will read scriptures morning and night with me
A man who will say morning and evening prayers with me
A man who is in tune with the spirit so he knows when to ask his family if they would like a priesthood blessing
A man who enjoys showing his true feelings for me
A man who wants to share me with the world
A man who loves to be with me even in public
A man who loves me for who and what I am

Wish me luck in what I want.

Oh here is a picture of the Russian Ballet (which I totally plan on going to while I'm there).